The information below contains the latest updated ride routes for Audax Randonneurs Philippines. We will be updating this page accordingly.
100 Baler: 100km Populaire Baler Cue Sheet.pdf
30km Batangas: 130km Batangas Populaire Cue Sheet.pdf, Google Earth Map Photo.png, Populaire Batangas 130km GPX File.gpx
100km Bohol: 100km Populaire Bohol Cue Sheet.pdf
130km Tarlac: 130km Tarlac Populaire Cue Sheet.pdf, Populaire Tarlac 130km GPX file.gpx
200KM Routes:
Baler: 200km Audax Baler Cue Sheet.pdf, Baler Audax 200 GPX file.gpx
Batangas: 200km Audax Batangas Cue Sheet.pdf, Audax Batangas 200km Checkpoints.jpeg, Audax Batangas 200km GPX File.gpx
Bohol: 200km Audax Bohol Cue Sheet.pdf, 200km Google Earth Map Photo.png, Audax Bohol 200km GPX file.gpx
Cagayan Valley: 200km Audax Cagayan Valley Cue Sheet.pdf
Cebu: 200km Audax Cebu Cue Sheet.pdf, 200km Audax Cebu GPX file.gpx, Google Earth Map Photo 200km Cebu.png
Davao: 200km Davao Cue Sheet.jpg
Davao-ComVal: 200km Davao-ComVal Cue Sheet.pdf
Dumaguete: 200km Dumaguete-Bayawan Cue Sheet.pdf, Audax Dumaguete 200km GPX file.gpx, Google Earth Map Photo.png
Gensan-Kiamba: 200km Audax Gensan-Kiamba Cue Sheet.pdf, Audax Gensan 200km.png
Gensan-Pinambalan: 200km Gensan-Panambalan Cue Sheet.pdf,
Rizal-Infanta: To be shared
Siargao: To be shared
Subic-Bataan: To be shared
Subic-Zambales: 200km Audax Subic Cue Sheet.pdf, Audax 200 Subic GPX file.gpx
Tarlac: 200km Tarlac-Sual Cue Sheet.pdf, Audax Tarlac 200km GPX File.gpx
300KM Routes:
Bohol: 300km Audax Bohol Cue Sheet.pdf, 300km Bohol Google Earth Map Photo.png, Audax Bohol 300km GPX File.gpx
Cagayan Valley: 300km Audax Cagayan Valley Cue Sheet.pdf
Davao-Mati: 300km Davao to Mati Cue Sheet.pdf, Google Earth Map Photo.tiff
Davao-Bunawan: 300km Davao-Bunawan Cue Sheet.pdf
Dumaguete: 300km Dumaguete-Hinoba-an Cue Sheet.pdf, Audax Dumaguete 300km GPX file.gpx, Google Earth Map Photo.png
Subic-Pangasinan: 300km Audax Subic Cue Sheet.pdf, Audax 300 - Subic GPX file.gpx
Tarlac: 300km Audax Tarlac-Dasol-Tarlac Cue Sheet.pdf, Audax Tarlac 300km GPX file.gpx
400KM Routes:
Bohol: 400km Audax Bohol Cue Sheet.pdf, 400km Google Earth Map Photo.png, Audax Bohol 400km GPX file.gpx
Cebu: 400km Audax Cebu Cue Sheet.pdf, 400km Audax Cebu GPX file.gpx, Google Earth Map Photo 400km.png
Davao-San Francisco: 400km Davao-San Francisco Cue Sheet.pdf
Subic-Pangasinan: 400km Audax Subic Cue Sheet.pdf, Audax 400km Subic GPX File.gpx, Screen Shot 2021-11-18 at 11.05.09 AM.png
600KM Routes:
Cebu: 600km Audax Cebu Cue Sheet.pdf, 600km Audax Cebu GPX file.gpx, Google Earth Map Photo Cebu 600km.png
Mindoro: To be shared
Subic-Tarlac: 600km Audax Subic Cue Sheet.pdf, Audax 600 Subic GPX File.gpx
1000KM Routes:
Mindoro: To be shared
1200KM Routes:
Mindoro: To be shared